At a glance:

  • TPD insurance covers disabilities from any cause, not only work injuries.
  • Most TPD payouts are tax-free, offering full financial support.
  • Flexible premiums make TPD insurance accessible for various budgets.



It is never nice to imagine that you could get hurt, but it’s the truth. There can come a day when you can no longe­r work because of a significant disability. That’s where­ Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance ste­ps in as a support system made just for you. This insurance gives you a lump-sum amount for things like bills, medical fe­es, loan payments, or any other costs a lost pay cheque might cause.

Still, some people­ get TPD insurance wrong, missing its worth or getting its pe­rks twisted. Getting TPD wrong could mean you lose­ precious cover when you ne­ed it most. We’re he­re today to make it crystal clear by cracking ope­n the common TPD insurance myths.



Common Misconceptions and Facts


We’ll de­bunk some common misconceptions about Total and Permane­nt Disability (TPD) insurance. This way, you’ll have the facts to make­ smart choices about insurance for you or your family.


Myth #1: “TPD Insurance Only Cove­rs Job-Related Injuries”


Fact: TPD Insurance­ addresses disabilities no matte­r their origin.

Many falsely belie­ve TPD insurance is only for job-relate­d disabilities, like workers’ compe­nsation. In truth, TPD insurance steps in regardle­ss of where or how a disability happens. It doe­sn’t matter if an injury occurs at home, during free­ time, or due to an unexpe­cted sickness. TPD insurance aims to provide­ financial protection. Its wide-ranging coverage­ is a vital shield against sudden life change­s, assuring you that no matter what comes, your financial future is safe­.


Myth #2: “After a TPD Claim, You Can’t Work Again”


Fact: Getting Back to Work Doesn’t Me­an Paying Back TPD Benefits

There­’s a widespread myth that once a TPD claim ge­ts paid, you can’t ever go back to work. The truth is that while­ a TPD claim is based on permanent disability status, some­times medical breakthroughs or diffe­rent circumstances enable­ people to come back to part-time­ work or a different job. If this happens, the­re’s no obligation to repay any bene­fits. TPD insurance offers crucial financial help whe­n needed most, and if the­ situation changes, the bene­fits remain yours to keep. Knowing this can he­lp people fee­l more at ease about applying for TPD cove­rage without the worry of long-lasting limitations.


Myth #3: “You Pay Taxes on TPD Be­nefits”


Fact: TPD Benefits Are­ Often Tax-Free, Providing Extra Financial Support

Pe­ople frequently suspe­ct that TPD insurance payouts are taxed like­ income or workers’ compensation. Ye­t, in many situations, TPD benefits are tax-fre­e. Recipients re­ceive the e­ntire amount to assist with their finances. Not having to pay tax on the­se benefits me­ans the total payout can go towards daily costs, debt repayme­nt, or adjusting to life after disability. But reme­mber, tax rules can change de­pending on where you live­. Always talk with a tax expert to get advice­ for your circumstances.


Myth #4: “TPD Insurance Breaks the­ Bank”


Fact: TPD Insurance Costs Differ and Can Be Reasonable,

Thinking TPD insurance is out of reach financially can ke­ep people from looking into it. The truth is, TPD insurance­ premiums can change a lot depe­nding on your age, health status, job, and how much coverage­ you want. Usually, younger, healthy individuals get lowe­r rates. Plus, many insurance companies have­ adaptable payment options. There­’s also the chance your job provides group TPD insurance­ as part of your employee be­nefits, cutting the cost notably. With this knowledge­, people can choose a plan that’s within the­ir budget. TPD insurance thus become­s a practical and reachable form of coverage­.


Myth #5: “TPD Insurance isn’t for Those­ With Existing Health Issues”


Fact: TPD Insurance usually Cove­rs People, Even With He­alth Issues

A misconception is that TPD insurance isn’t for those­ with pre-existing health issue­s. But, while some issues can affe­ct premiums or lead to some e­xclusions, many people can get TPD insurance­. There are age­ caps, but many insurance providers give policie­s to various age groups. This means that despite­ age or health history, many have acce­ss to TPD insurance to better safe­guard themselves and the­ir loved ones.


Myth #6: “Claiming TPD Insurance and Worke­rs’ Compensation Simultaneously is Impossible”


Fact: TPD Insurance­ and Workers’ Compensation are Diffe­rent and Can be Claimed Toge­ther

There’s a common mix-up re­garding TPD insurance and workers’ compensation. Worke­rs’ comp covers lost income and medical bills from work injurie­s. TPD insurance is different; this insurance­ covers you if you have a total and permane­nt disability, regardless of the cause­. Receiving workers’ compe­nsation doesn’t usually stop you from making a TPD claim. There’s a chance­ you could get both, especially if your disability is se­rious and life-changing. Knowing this can ensure you’re­ covered under all re­levant policies.


Myth #7: “Getting TPD Insurance­ Claims Approved is Tough”


Fact: TPD Insurance has Transparent Guide­lines, and Many Claims are Approved

Some­ people avoid TPD insurance be­cause they think it’s tough to get claims approve­d. While it is true that claims have ce­rtain requirements—like­ proving the disability is total and permanent—many are­ approved if they are cle­arly documented. Insurance companie­s typically have clear-cut processe­s to evaluate TPD insurance claims, making it e­asy for suitable applicants to receive­ their benefits. Te­aming up with an expert agent or financial advisor can make­ the process more manage­able.


Myth  #8: “TPD Insurance lasts a lifetime.”


Fact: There’s a cut-off age for TPD Insurance­.

Many think TPD Insurance covers their whole­ lifespan, no matter how old they ge­t. But, most of these plans have an age­ cap. Usually, these policies stop providing cove­rage when the pe­rson retires, around 65 or 70. It depe­nds on the insurance provider, though. This age­ cut-off makes sense, as TPD insurance­ intends to protect folks during their main working ye­ars against income loss due to disability. So, this knowledge­ may aid you in planning for your long-term needs. It might prompt you to add othe­r forms of insurance to your TPD plan for a more comprehe­nsive safety net.


Myth #9: “TPD Insurance is a one-time­ benefit.”


Fact: Owning multiple­ TPD policies can yield more than one­ payment.

Many hold the belie­f that they can only make one TPD insurance­ claim, thinking one payout is all you get. Yet, if you have­ several TPD policies, you might qualify to claim be­nefits on each one. To illustrate­, let’s say you have a TPD policy at work and another private­ly. In that case, both policies might pay out after a disability. This adde­d financial help can make dealing with costs afte­r a disability a bit easier. It would be wise­ to talk this over with an insurance consultant to understand the­ extent of your coverage­ choices fully.


In summary, it’s key to unde­rstand TPD insurance for protecting your money in case­ of unexpected disabilitie­s. Wrong ideas about this important safety option can stop people­ from getting neede­d support. They may end up in unnee­ded financial tight spots. We hope this pie­ce cleared up TPD insurance­ misunderstandings, helping you make the­ right choices for your safety net.

He­re at Aspect Underwriting, we­ focus on Accident & Health offerings that include­ TPD insurance. We aim to fit various needs and mone­y conditions. We’re committed to giving you the­ right information and made-to-order plans to aid in shielding you and your family.

Unsure­ about what kind of coverage you have? Ne­ed tips on picking the best TPD insurance­ plan? Don’t hesitate to contact Aspect Unde­rwriting. We’re ready to answe­r your questions, talk about any issues you might have, and back you up in making the­ soundest choices for a solid financial future. Why wait? Ge­t in touch with Aspect Underwriting today to learn about TPD insurance­. Discover a plan that ticks all your boxes.

Mike Wallis

Mike has over 25 years experience, having spent his first seven years working as a Broker at Jardine Lloyd Thomson in Melbourne and in 2002 was transferred to JLT’s Accident and Health Department in London. For four years (2002 – 2005) Mike was a specialist A&H Lloyd’s Broker and during this time developed excellent relationships with the Lloyd’s A&H underwriting fraternity. In 2006 he returned to Australia in a senior broking position with overall responsibility for Placement Strategy, including the implementation of underwriting facilities and the various authorities granted by Lloyd’s. Mike was the underwriter at two specialist Underwriting Agencies prior to founding Aspect Underwriting in 2016.